6r - 5t - 8r - 4t
OK.......what is the result of this ???
6r - 8r ????
And what is the result of this??
-5t - 4t ????
Combine the results amd post your answer.......don't worry if you make a mistake....we'll work through it !!!!
Hang on just a moment :))
It is not -2r - -9t it is -2r + -9t or better still it is just -2r - 9t
6r - 5t - 8r - 4t
= +6r -5t -8r -4t
= +6r -8r -4t -5t
See I can swap them around so long as the minus signs stay attached to what was behing them!
= 6r-8r + -4t-5t
= -2r + -9t
= -2r - 9t
You did not really need to put that extra plus there at all but you certainly can if you want to.
Then remember that if a + and a - are so close together that you can put a circle around them with nothing else in the cirlce then they become a minus.
If the signs are different like + - or - + they become a minus AND
if the signs are the same like ++ or - - then they become a plus.
Does this help ipopsie?
The rest of your explanation looked good Chris.
Ipopsie if you are not sure about anything make sure you keep asking questions until you are really sure about it. :)
That helps to teach us to explain better too. So we teach each other .