Very often when I click on the link that gets us to the previous sides of questions (you know, "1240", "1239"), I get this message:
Has anyone else had similar experiences?
Yes maybe it is our ghost is causing that problem.
No our ghost is benevolent.
It's the troll.
It may not be on purpose, Chris and I think that the troll has CDD (Contagious Dumbness Disease) Chris thinks he caught his off the troll!
Have you met our troll or our ghost yet Tetrations? Don't worry, you will!
We have a whole magical kingdom here. I am Queen Guinevere and CPhill, Allan and Geno are my valiant knights! Kitty is the princess. We have many other characters here as well. Our Doctor (Morgan Tudd he be) has a problem with the drink I think. He is rarely in attendance. And King Arthur is off fighting in the Crusades. He is all powerful but his face is rarely seen within these walls.
All the time, must be a site flaw....I don't ever see this on any other sites that I frequent...."ghosts in the machine" ???
Yes maybe it is our ghost is causing that problem.
No our ghost is benevolent.
It's the troll.
It may not be on purpose, Chris and I think that the troll has CDD (Contagious Dumbness Disease) Chris thinks he caught his off the troll!
Have you met our troll or our ghost yet Tetrations? Don't worry, you will!
We have a whole magical kingdom here. I am Queen Guinevere and CPhill, Allan and Geno are my valiant knights! Kitty is the princess. We have many other characters here as well. Our Doctor (Morgan Tudd he be) has a problem with the drink I think. He is rarely in attendance. And King Arthur is off fighting in the Crusades. He is all powerful but his face is rarely seen within these walls.