
Following the boundary of a rectangular field, it requires 11 rounds of a lawn mower to cut 1/2 of it and 14 more to cut the remainder. If the lawn mower cuts a swath 2 feet wide and all the swaths are full, what are the dimentions of the field? Thanks and good luck.

 Nov 27, 2016

What is the prize if somebody solves it??

 Nov 27, 2016

The man starts at one corner and cuts a strip A down the entire length of the field. Next, he cuts strip B, then strip C and D, and is now ready to start on strip E. Although the strips, A,B,C, and D are all of different lengths, he has cut an area which is equal to the difference in area of 2 rectangles.
Since it requires: 11+14 =25 rounds to cut the field and each round consists of 2 swaths, each 2 feet wide, then the width of the field is: 25 x (2x2) =100 feet. The 11 rounds represent 22 swaths of 2 feet each, or: 22 x 2 =44 feet. Hence, the width of the area remaining is: 100 - 44 =56 feet. Now, if L represents the length of the field, then:(L - 44) x 56 equals the area remaining. But the remaining area is 1/2 the total area, which equals: 1/2(100L) =50L. Therefore, (L - 44) x 56 = 50L, or 6L =2,464 and L =2,464/6 =410 2/3 feet, which is the length of the field. And so, the field is: 100 by 410 2/3 feet.
And that is the end of this challenge!!!.

 Nov 27, 2016

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