
Describe and explore the trends in smoking over 1991 – 1013 as detailed in table 2.1. include in your exploration what is predicted to happen in 2016 and when smoking might be predicted to be non-existent


-Graph the data in Table 2.1 using two scatterplots; display both on the same graph.


Describe each relationship using an equation for a straight line. (excel may be used but equations must be confirmed using hand calculations)

Compare the two relationship using the components of the equatin

Make predictions about what will happen in 2016 and beyond

Discuss the strength and usefulness of the two straight line equations used to describe the two relationships.




Table 2.1
year Daily Smoker Never Smoker
1991 24.3 49
1993 25 49.1
1995 23.8 52.6
1998 21.8 49.2
2001 19.4 50.6
2004 17.5 52.9
2007 16.6 55.4
2010 15.1 57.8
2013 12.8 60.1
 Jun 7, 2016

4 Online Users
