
How many numbers n less than 100 have exactly one divisor other than 1 and n?


How many positive integers less than 2000 are of the form x^n for some positive integer x and n\ge 2?




Thank you so much if you answered!wink

 Sep 17, 2019

How many numbers n less than 100 have exactly one divisor other than 1 and n?


n     divsors

4       1   2   4

9       1   3   9

25     1   5  25

49     1   7  49



cool cool cool

 Sep 17, 2019
edited by CPhill  Sep 17, 2019

Thanks c-phil!

Imnotamaster  Sep 17, 2019

That's the only ones I could think of  !!!!




cool cool cool

CPhill  Sep 17, 2019

Notice Cphill's answers


they are ODD perfect squares except for 4, and ONLY prefect squares.


Answers like 81 won't work because it is a perfect power of 4 and 64 is a perfect cube.

 Sep 17, 2019
edited by CalculatorUser  Sep 17, 2019

What is the value of n in your 2nd question? Is it 2 or > 2?

 Sep 17, 2019

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