
x/24=arctan (1/(sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)+sqrt(6)+2)=? What is the value of x (in Radians) and, most importantly, why? Where does it come from? Thanks for help.

 Jun 13, 2016

arctan is simply an angle.         'arctan x' just means 'the angle whose tangent is x'

arcsin just means 'the angle whose sine is x'       and same for arccos.

So you are just being asked to find an angle,in this case     x    .  And in radians,not degrees.  Why?....


Most trig equations use radians because they are an absolute measure of an angle ,rather than an arbitrary one like degrees.  To convert,there are 2 pi  radians in 360 degrees.   For an explanation about radians,read on.........


Suppose you draw an arc on a circle.(Draw one to see,it  helps) Let the length of that arc be exactly the same length as the radius of that circle. Then the angle made by the sector of that arc is one radian.            To convert to degrees...

..Since a circle's circumference has the length of 2 pi times the radius,there must be 2 pi radians in 360 degrees.

Because the radian was found by using the circle's arc and its radius,the measurement is absolute rather than just arbitrarily splitting the circle up into 360 bits.

 Jun 13, 2016

Young person: I want the value of "x", NOT a lecture. Can you come up with it?

 Jun 13, 2016

x/24=arctan (1/(sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)+sqrt(6)+2)    multiply both sides by 24


x = 24 * arctan (1/(sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)+sqrt(6)+2))    =  π




cool cool cool

 Jun 13, 2016

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