
Write, solve, and graph an inequality for the following:


Jared charges parents $40 to give their first child piano lessons and $24 for each additional child. Ms. Gloria does not want to spend more than $100 for the lessons. How many of Ms. Gloria's eight kids can receive piano lessons?

 May 19, 2016

Best Answer 


40 + 24N  ≤ 100      where N is the number of additional children who can take lessons


Subtract 40 from each side


24N ≤ 60     divide both sides by 24


N ≤ 60/24 =  2.5......round down to 2


So   these two plus the first child can take lessons = three in total



cool cool cool

 May 19, 2016
Best Answer

40 + 24N  ≤ 100      where N is the number of additional children who can take lessons


Subtract 40 from each side


24N ≤ 60     divide both sides by 24


N ≤ 60/24 =  2.5......round down to 2


So   these two plus the first child can take lessons = three in total



cool cool cool

CPhill May 19, 2016

Thanks again CPhill! You are the smartest person that I ever seen on this website and thanks again for answering all my questions!

GAMEMASTERX40  May 19, 2016

Thanks, GM, for the compliment....but....I'm definitely NOT the smartest person on this website, by a long shot !!!!




cool cool cool

 May 19, 2016

It was just compliment :) By the way are you a teacher or just a regular person?

GAMEMASTERX40  May 19, 2016

I'm just someone who likes to help answer questions............




cool cool cool

 May 19, 2016

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