On a world map , the distance between city A and city B is 11.375 inches. The two cities are actually 3413 miles apart. On the same map , what would be the distance between city C and city D, two cities that are actually 3082 miles apart? Use a proportion to solve this problem.
3,413 / 11.375 =~300
The scale on the map for cities A and B is:
1 inch for every 300 miles
3,082 / 300 =10.273 inches-distance on map between cities C and D.
On a world map , the distance between city A and city B is 11.375 inches.
The two cities are actually 3413 miles apart.
On the same map ,
what would be the distance between city C and city D,
two cities that are actually 3082 miles apart?
Use a proportion to solve this problem.
\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline && \displaystyle \frac{ 11.375\ \text{inches} }{ 3413\ \text{miles} } \cdot 3082\ \text{miles} &=& \displaystyle\frac{11.375\cdot 3082}{3413} \ \text{inches}\\\\ &=& \displaystyle 10.2718283035 \ \text{inches}\\ \hline \end{array}\)
The distance between city C and city D on the map is 10.272 inches.