
How many potatoes can I get for one soul?

 Dec 13, 2016

It veries from place to place, but the average amount of potatoes one can get for a human soul is 7.

 Dec 13, 2016

A Human soul is worth $660,326.82 according to “The devil went down to Georgia” where the Devil offers a fiddle of gold as an equal bet against a soul. 

assuming a fiddle weighs about 450 grams and is primarily made out of spruce and maple. The density of spruce is 0.43 g/cm3, and the density of maple is 0.6 g/cm3. As an estimation, we’ll just average these and suppose that the average density of the material of a violin is 0.515g/cm3. so If the Fiddle weighs 450 g and has a density of 0.515 g/cm3, that means that the volume of the wood of the Fiddle is 873.8 cm3. Our hypothetical golden prize had gold in lieu of wood. So 873.8 cm3 of gold weighs 16.9 kg — almost forty pounds! — or 543.3 troy ounces. 

Since the selling price of gold today is $1215.40 per ounce that gives us our value

taking the findings from this, assuming that in 1kg of potatoes you have 10 potatoes. In new york its about $1.97 for a kg of potatoes, so 1.97 for 10 potatoes. now, divide 660.326.82 by 1.97,

660326.82/1.97 = 335191.2791878172588832

Next, we need to find out how many potatoes.

335191.2791878172588832*10 = 3351912.791878172588832

So, by rounding down, we have about 3351913 potatoes to a human soul. This isn't exact so assume anyone buying a human soul for potatoes would price about that assuming they did the math.

 Dec 13, 2016

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