
square root of (-10) squared -4(1)(26)

 Sep 23, 2014

Best Answer 


This looks like the quadratic formula if I've ever seen one. :)

I'm thinking this is what you mean:


$$\sqrt{(-10)^2 -4(1)(26)$$








We can't take the square root of a negative number, it doesn't make any sence! What we do then is break this down into √-1 x √4, and we just express √-1 as i. "i" stands for imaginary number. We just call √-1 "imaginary."




$$i \times \sqrt{4}$$


The square root of 4 is 2:


$$i \times 2$$


Which we write as:




There you go! you answer is 2i.

 Sep 23, 2014
Best Answer

This looks like the quadratic formula if I've ever seen one. :)

I'm thinking this is what you mean:


$$\sqrt{(-10)^2 -4(1)(26)$$








We can't take the square root of a negative number, it doesn't make any sence! What we do then is break this down into √-1 x √4, and we just express √-1 as i. "i" stands for imaginary number. We just call √-1 "imaginary."




$$i \times \sqrt{4}$$


The square root of 4 is 2:


$$i \times 2$$


Which we write as:




There you go! you answer is 2i.

NinjaDevo Sep 23, 2014

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