
The bar graph shown displays the results of a test on which each student earned a score of 70, 80, 90, or 100, and the number above each bar indicates how many students earned that test score. What is the absolute difference between the median and the mean of the students' scores? Express your answer as a decimal to the nearest tenth.


Score  Number of Students

70 10

80 50

90 30

100 10

 Jul 15, 2022

Students            10         50        30      10


Score                 70         80       90       100


Median  = 80


Mean  =    [  70*10  + 50*80 + 30*90 + 10*100 ]  / [ 10 + 50 + 30 + 10 ]  =   84


abs  ( 80 - 84 )   =  abs (-4)   =   4



cool cool cool

 Jul 15, 2022

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