
Still trying to understand these problems. Please Help

 Jun 20, 2022

Here's what I get


In  a 10 day period....the  company produces  2 pipes per day


In a 12 day period before the fuel increase, the company would produce  2 (10/12)  = 2 (5/6)  =10/6  = 5/3 pipes per day


Note  that 12 days * ( 5/3) pipes per day    = 60 / 3 =  20 pipes


So now, after the fuel increase the number of pipes produced per day =  (5/3)([700 + 500 ] /700) =

(5/3)(1200/ 700)  = (5/3)(12/7)=  60/21 = 20 / 7   pipes per day


So in  12 days, the company now produces   12 (60/21) =  (3/7)(60)=  180 / 7 =  25.7 pipes = 25 pipes



cool cool cool

 Jun 20, 2022

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