Solve the system of equations:
\(\sqrt x + \sqrt y + \sqrt z + 1 = 4\sqrt{xyz}\\ xy + yz + zx + 3 = 2\cdot \left(\sqrt[4]{x} +\sqrt[4]{y}+\sqrt[4]{z}\right)\)
Hello Max: This is the huge "mess" I got when I plugged into Wolfram/Alpha!!!.,+(xy)%5E4%2B(yz)%5E4%2B(xz)%5E4%2B81%3D16*%5B(x)%2B(y)%2B(z)%5D,+solve+for+x,y,z
Any full solutions? I don't need you to look up on Wolfram Alpha and tell me the answer is x = y = z = 1....... I can do that too......
Sorry for being impolite.
Hi, I'm guest #2 (different from guest #1).
I did not use Wolfram Alpha, I just looked at the equations and wrote down the blindingly obvious solution.
There might be other solutions, but frankly I have better things to do with my time than to look for them, (if they exist that is).
Don't apologise for being impolite, just don't be impolite.