
Suppose we define f(n) as follows: If n is an integer from 0 to 20 inclusive, then f(n) is the number of letters in the English spelling of the number n; otherwise, f(n) is undefined.

How many numbers are in the domain of f(n) but not the range of f(n)?

 Aug 19, 2016

f(0)= 4 since z,e,r,o has four english alphabets, likewise f(1)& f(2)& f(6) will be equal to 6 and likewise it will go on till f(20) since the value of n is 0 to 20.

As we know domain means the input and that is the value of n and range mean the value of function. So comparing both we see that 0,1,2, 10 and numbers from 11-20 aren't included in the domain. Hence on the whole 14 numbers from 0-20 are not a part of range.

 Jun 23, 2022

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