
The milk pitcher shown is a right prism. The base has an area of 40cm squared and the height of the pitcher is 26cm. will the pitcher hold 1L of milk.

 Dec 22, 2016
edited by Guest  Dec 22, 2016
edited by Guest  Dec 22, 2016

So lets see


Given informations:

area of the Base: 40 cm ^2 = 0.004 m^2

heigh: 26 cm = 0.26 m


right prism, which gives us the information to the following formula:

Volume = area of the Base * heigh of the prism


What im looking for:

Voluminum of the right prism


So we just take the formula:


Volume = area of the Base * heigh of the prism


put in the given informations:


Volume = 0.004 m^2  *  0.26m

= 0.00104m^3


Now to know if this is the right size to hold one liter of milk, we once again need to convert the cubic meters into liter.

1 Cubic Meter = 1 000 Liters

0.00104m^3    = 1.039999999999999813 Liters


So jea, it works.

 Dec 22, 2016

Volume of pitcher  =  [40 cm x 40 cm  x 26 cm ]  = 41600cm^3


1L   = 1000cm^3


The pitcher easily holds 1L




cool cool cool

 Dec 22, 2016

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