
The distance from Capital City to Little Village is 660 miles. From Capital City to Mytown is 310 miles, from Mytown to Yourtown is 200 miles, and from Yourtown to Little Village is 150 miles. How far is it from Mytown to Little Village?


Two sides of an obtuse triangle are 16 and 21. How many possible integer lengths are there for the third side?

 Feb 8, 2017

Two sides of an obtuse triangle are 16 and 21. How many possible integer lengths are there for the third side?


a = 16


b = 21


\(\sqrt{16^2+21^2}< c < (16+21)\)


\(26.4 < c < 37\)


\(\mathbb L= \ c\in \left \{27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 \right \}\)


\(10 \ possible \ integer \ lengths \ are \ there \ for \ the \ third \ side.\)


laugh  !

 Feb 8, 2017
edited by asinus  Feb 8, 2017

The distance from Capital City to Little Village is 660 miles. From Capital City to Mytown is 310 miles, from Mytown to Yourtown is 200 miles, and from Yourtown to Little Village is 150 miles. How far is it from Mytown to Little Village?


Assuming all are collinear.....


200 + 150   = 350 miles



cool cool cool

 Feb 9, 2017

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