
The perimeter of a rectangular traffic sign is 106 inches. Also its length is 15 inches longer than its width. What is the length and the width of this sign?

 Mar 6, 2015

Best Answer 


The perimeter of a rectangular traffic sign is 106 inches. Also its length is 15 inches longer than its width. What is the length and the width of this sign ?

Let L = length and W = width

perimeter :  106 = 2L + 2W     (1)

L = W + 15

L-W = 15  | *2

2L - 2W = 30      (2)

$$\\(1) \qquad 2L + 2W = 106 \\
(2) \qquad 2L - 2W = 30$$

(1)+(2):& 4L &=& 136\\\\
& L &=& \dfrac{136}{4} \\\\
& \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{L} & \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{=} & \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{34} } \\\\
& W &=& L - 15 \\\\
& W &=& 34 - 15 \\\\
& \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{W} & \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{=} & \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{19} }

 Mar 6, 2015
Best Answer

The perimeter of a rectangular traffic sign is 106 inches. Also its length is 15 inches longer than its width. What is the length and the width of this sign ?

Let L = length and W = width

perimeter :  106 = 2L + 2W     (1)

L = W + 15

L-W = 15  | *2

2L - 2W = 30      (2)

$$\\(1) \qquad 2L + 2W = 106 \\
(2) \qquad 2L - 2W = 30$$

(1)+(2):& 4L &=& 136\\\\
& L &=& \dfrac{136}{4} \\\\
& \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{L} & \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{=} & \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{34} } \\\\
& W &=& L - 15 \\\\
& W &=& 34 - 15 \\\\
& \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{W} & \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{=} & \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{19} }

heureka Mar 6, 2015

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