
This is the original equation sqrt of (11x+3) -2x = 0

I want to know if the extraneous sollution is -1/4 or 3. 


or if i did it totally wrong and it's neither -1/4 or 3.... '_'



 Jan 28, 2016
edited by Guest  Jan 28, 2016
edited by Guest  Jan 28, 2016
edited by Guest  Jan 28, 2016
edited by Guest  Jan 28, 2016
edited by Guest  Jan 28, 2016

Best Answer 


sqrt(11x + 3) - 2x = 0      add 2x to both sides


sqrt(11x + 3)  = 2x          square both sides


11x + 3  = 4x^2      rearrange


4x^2 - 11x - 3  = 0          factor


(4x  + 1) (x - 3)  = 0    setting both factors to 0, we have the possible solutions that x = -1/4  or x = 3


Checking these in the original equation, -1/4 is an extraneous solution, but 3 is a good solution




cool cool cool

 Jan 28, 2016
Best Answer

sqrt(11x + 3) - 2x = 0      add 2x to both sides


sqrt(11x + 3)  = 2x          square both sides


11x + 3  = 4x^2      rearrange


4x^2 - 11x - 3  = 0          factor


(4x  + 1) (x - 3)  = 0    setting both factors to 0, we have the possible solutions that x = -1/4  or x = 3


Checking these in the original equation, -1/4 is an extraneous solution, but 3 is a good solution




cool cool cool

CPhill Jan 28, 2016

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