
Please Help!

A castle is surrounded by a rectangular moat, which is of a uniform width of 12 feet. The problem is to get across the moat to dry land on the other side without using the drawbridge. To work with, you have only two rectangular planks, whose lengths are 11 feet and 11 feet, 9 inches respectively. Show how the planks can get you across. 

 Dec 6, 2018

Can you prop them up like a tent?


Or if you want you can lay one across a corner...then place the other on it to the other side.....(to get to the castle)

 Dec 6, 2018
edited by ElectricPavlov  Dec 6, 2018
edited by ElectricPavlov  Dec 6, 2018

Diagram:   Haha.....

 Dec 6, 2018

Oh my god... LOL by the way and Thanks for making my day (and homework a little funnier)laugh 



#P.S. you would be a great moderator if you have the time in your day!! 

SydSu22  Dec 6, 2018
edited by SydSu22  Dec 6, 2018

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