
Hello Sir: Is it possible for you to modify the page to display 100 questions, instead of the 25 that it does now? The reason is that once the questions disappears from the bottom of the page, they are almost forgotten, even if they are not answered. I thank you for your attention.

 Dec 16, 2016

Best Answer 


OK...you should ask that the DEFAULT value of 25 be changed to a default of 100 for ALL users.....Good luck....sounds like a good idea to me!

 Dec 16, 2016

YOU can select how many questions to be displayed at the bottom of the list....look at the lower right at the bottom.

 Dec 16, 2016

I know that, but lots of young people don't seem to know that!.

 Dec 16, 2016
Best Answer

OK...you should ask that the DEFAULT value of 25 be changed to a default of 100 for ALL users.....Good luck....sounds like a good idea to me!

ElectricPavlov Dec 16, 2016

Thanks EP: I think it would make much more sense, since in the course of 1 day, about 100 questions are asked on this site. Besides, when click on the bottom of the page, your cursor shoots automatically to the top of the page. And then you have to scroll down to where you were only seconds earlier.

 Dec 16, 2016

Yah.....it is a pain.    Hope they ' fix ' it ...you have my vote!

ElectricPavlov  Dec 16, 2016

This is really a dumb idea!


Anyone too dumb or indifferent to know or care about clicking the previous page of questions is too dumb or indifferent to answer them anyway. Common sense dictates that answering any question is much more involved than a simple click. 


Questions do get “lost” on here, but displaying a hundred questions at a time will not change that. A hundred-question default will cause more “clutter” and this is more likely to cause them to be lost.


Most of these questions are abandoned, not lost, anyway. The hundred-question display option is available for any who care to us it.

 Dec 16, 2016

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