
Translate the following phrase into an algebraic expression using the variable w. Do not simplify.

the perimeter of a rectangle if the width is w centimeters and the length is 2cm2⁢cm less than twice the width

 Feb 3, 2021

Translate the following phrase into an algebraic expression using the variable wi. Do not simplify.

the perimeter of a rectangle if the width is w centimeters and the length is 2cm less than twice the width.


Hello Guest!


\(P_{rect}=2(wi+ l)\\ l=2\cdot wi-2cm\\ P_{rect}=2(wi+2\cdot wi-2cm)\)



\(w\ is\ a\ number \\ \color{BrickRed}if\ wi=w\ cm\\ then\\ P_{rect}=2\cdot (3\cdot w\ cm-2\ cm)=6w\ cm-4\ cm\\ \color{BrickRed}P_{rect}=6w\ cm-4\ cm \)

laugh  !

 Feb 3, 2021

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