Divide 56 by 2 and you get 28, so the number you are looking for is 28.
Let x equal the number you are looking for in an equation:
x * 2 = 56 or
2x = 56 (correct way to write equation)
(Of course, you could always type "2x=56" into this calcualtor, but since not all calculators are like that, let's see how to do it without Web2.0.)
To figure out the value of one x rather than two x's, divide the left side by two, which will leave us with one x. In order to keep the equation equal, however, we must do the same thing to both sides, so divide the right side of the equation (56) by two also.
2x = 56
2 2
Now type in 56/2, and you should end up with 28, which makes your equation look like this:
Now you know how to work this type of equation!