
Two wheel gears are connected by a chain. The larger gear has a radius of 6 centimeters and the smaller gear has a radius of 4 centimeters. The smaller gear completes 28 revolutions in 15 seconds


What is the linear velocity of each of the gears in centimeters per minute?


a. The linear velocity of the gears is the same. The linear velocity is 896π centimeters per minute.

b. The linear velocity of the gears is the same. The linear velocity is 56π15 centimeters per minute.

c. The linear velocity of the smaller gear is 896π centimeters per minute. The linear velocity of the larger gear is 224π centimeters per minute.

d. The linear velocity of the smaller gear is 224π centimeters per minute. The linear velocity of the larger gear is 56π15 centimeters per minute.

 Apr 2, 2021

Imagine a chain aroung the gears.....like the gaers of your bike.....the amount of chain passing over each gear per second is the same....

   so the linear velocity is the same


  smaller gear  circumference =   pi * 2r =   8 pi

     28 revolutions in 15 seconds  is   112 revolutions per minute

                112 r/min * 8pi cm /r = 896 pi  cm/min

 Apr 3, 2021

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