hi i want tell me what to do to prove the following it is up blocked
αν=ν!/ν^ν i think with berrnulli,(general say:(1+x)^ν ≥ 1+χν
so in this case :
v!=1 x 2 x...x (v-1) x v and v^v with bernulli : v^v=(1+(v-1))^v ≥ 1+(v-1)v (x is the symbol of multiplication)
1 x 2 x...x (v-1) x v 1 x 2 x...x (v-1) x v
so : αν ≤ ------------------------- ≤ --------------------------- = 1 x 2 x... but i want it be = 1
1+(v-1)v (ν-1)ν
Please i want your help.Sry for my bad english
You mean \(av \le \frac{v!}{v^{2}-v+1} \le \frac{v!}{v^{2}-v} = 1 \times 2 \times \dots\) right?