
can you show me step by step how you solve equations that would make it so much easier for me to learn :D

 Dec 19, 2016

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 Dec 20, 2016

can you show me step by step how you solve equations that would make it so much easier for me to learn


Hello good evening guest!


In an equation, everything is equal to the left and right of the equals sign.
Changes of the terms on both sides must be the same.
Then it remains an equation.
The equation has to be changed so that the unknown variable comes isolated on one side of the equation.


Here is an example:


Insulate x


\(2x+3(5-a)=8ax\)              [ - 8ax      always on both sides

\(2x -8ax +3(5-a)=0\)      [ - 3(5-a)

\(2x-8ax=-3(5-a)\)          [ to exclude x and multiply

\(x(2-8a)=-15+3a\)           [ / (2-8a)


\(\large x=\frac{-15+3a}{2-8a}\)


The equation is solved.


Greeting asinus :- )  laugh  !

 Dec 20, 2016
Best Answer


You are best to put this request on the related question OR

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