
Find the value of B - A if the graph of Ax + By = 3 passes through the point (-7,2), and is parallel to the graph of x + 3y = -5.

 Apr 7, 2021

Find the value of B - A if the graph of Ax + By = 3 passes through the point (-7,2),

and is parallel to the graph of x + 3y = -5.


Hello VoidAsks​!


\(x + 3y = -5\\ y=-\frac{1}{3}x-\frac{5}{3}\\ \color{blue}m=-\frac{1}{3}\)


\(\color{blue}y=m(x-x_p)+y_p\\ y=-\frac{1}{3}(x-(-7))+2\\ y=-\frac{1}{3}x-\frac{7}{3}+\frac{6}{3}\\ \color{blue}y=-\frac{1}{3}x-\frac{1}{3}\)

\(Ax + By = 3\\ \frac{1}{3}x+y=-\frac{1}{3}\ |\ \cdot -9\\ \color{blue}-3x-9y=3\\ A-B=-3-(-9)\)


Because of the language barrier,

OK. VoidAsks, so 

\(\color{blue}B-A =-6\)

laugh  !

 Apr 7, 2021
edited by asinus  Apr 7, 2021
edited by asinus  Apr 7, 2021
edited by asinus  Apr 7, 2021
edited by asinus  Apr 7, 2021

You're supposed to actually subtract A from B, not vice versa, but ok

VoidAsks  Apr 7, 2021
edited by VoidAsks  Apr 7, 2021

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