  1.  Many things can contribute to the variability in a sample suppose the members of a youth group have just completed a measurement inventory that assesses an individual's self-esteem. Half of the youth group completed the questionnaire at the beginning of their weekly gathering, and the other half completed the questionnaire at the end of their gathering. Some of the youth group members are male, and some are female. They range in age from 13 to 18 years. Name at least five things that might lead to variations in responses between participants.
  2. suppose that students in a particular class were upset after a test was given because they did not think it accurately reflected their knowledge. The professor suggested she could make the next test longer. under what condition would a longer test be more accurate?
  3. Maggie is designing a survey to measure the characteristics people find the most important in choosing a pet. She has created a series one statement reads."It is important to me that my pet can come along on road trips with me". She is trying to decide what response alternatives to use for these questions. One option would be simply to ask respondents if they 1) agree or 2 )disagree her option would be to allow them to respond on a five-point scale where 1= strongly disagree, 2= disagree, 3= neutral, 4= agree and 5=strongly agree. what advantage would there be to using the more elaborate 5 point scale?
 Feb 11, 2022

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