
I need a Venn Diagram for this


Dogs in the GoodDog Obedience School win a blue ribbon for learning how to sit, a green ribbon for learning how to roll over, and a white ribbon for learning how to stay. There are $100$ dogs in the school.


$45$ have blue ribbons, $62$ have green ribbons, and $57$ have white ribbons.


$28$ have a blue ribbon and a green ribbon; $41$ have a green ribbon and a white ribbon; $18$ have a blue ribbon and a white ribbon.


$5$ have all three ribbons.

 Jan 13, 2024





                                                                            White & Blue                               Blue & Green

                                                                                    18                                                28

                                                                                                White, Green, & Blue



                                                                WHITE                         White & Green                       GREEN

                                                                   57                                       41                                      62



Sorry I could not find a good Venn Diagram maker and do it there to upload an image, but this is my best without taking a lot of time.


Just imagine circles around the WHITE, GREEN, and BLUE and the places where they intersect.

 Jan 13, 2024

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