
Vision Optics is hoping to prduce a new line of glasses. the company estimates fixed costs to be $40,000 with a variable cost of $45 per unit.

A) If the selling price is lowered to $80, the company can expct to sell 2,000 units. What would be the total contribution to profit from this product at this price?

B) Vision estimates that if it offers the glasses at $100/unit, the company will sell about 1,500 uunits. Will the pricing strategy strategy of $100/ unit or $80 per unit generate a higher profit?

 Sep 14, 2014

Best Answer 


At 2000 units at a price of $80, the profit is given by

2000(80-45) - 40000 = $30000


At 1500 units at a price of $100, the profit is given by

1500(100-45) - 40000 = $42500


Selling at the higher price generates more profit.

 Sep 14, 2014
Best Answer

At 2000 units at a price of $80, the profit is given by

2000(80-45) - 40000 = $30000


At 1500 units at a price of $100, the profit is given by

1500(100-45) - 40000 = $42500


Selling at the higher price generates more profit.

CPhill Sep 14, 2014

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