nCr(242797824,4) = 144799782100787625509125247069376
Can also write this as 242797824!/(4!*242797820!) = 242797824*242797823*242797822*242797821/4!
That's how many combinations there are. I don't intend to list them all!
nCr(242797824,4) = 144799782100787625509125247069376
Can also write this as 242797824!/(4!*242797820!) = 242797824*242797823*242797822*242797821/4!
That's how many combinations there are. I don't intend to list them all!
I don't care how many n-tuples there are, I've still no intention of listing them all!!!
I am going to try and list them. Here goes nothing
I want all possible combinations of 4 digits from 2 2 2 4 4 7 7 8 9
three twos | two twos | 1 two and 1 or 2 fours | No 2s No 4s |
2224 2227 2228 2229 | 2277 2244 2247 2248 2249 2278 2279 2289 | 2447 2448 2449 2477 2478 2479 2489 | 7789 |
Total is 4 | Total is 8 | Total is 7 | Total is 1 |
I get 20 combinations of the digits