Basically the question asker is wanting you to reduce this fraction.
Think what number you could divide both the top and the bottom numbers by to come out with a whole number (not a decimal point. ex: 7.444)
Then, once you get a reduced fraction, see if you can reduce it again by dividing the top and bottom again. If you cannot do this and get a whole number, your fraction is fully reduced!
See if you can solve this question with the information I've just given you.
Basically the question asker is wanting you to reduce this fraction.
Think what number you could divide both the top and the bottom numbers by to come out with a whole number (not a decimal point. ex: 7.444)
Then, once you get a reduced fraction, see if you can reduce it again by dividing the top and bottom again. If you cannot do this and get a whole number, your fraction is fully reduced!
See if you can solve this question with the information I've just given you.