What is 18 a a percentage of 144
Well, what is 18 as a fraction of 144? That would be 18/144
NOW if you want to change a fraction to a percentage, you have to multiply it by 100 an add a percent sign :)
$${\frac{{\mathtt{18}}}{{\mathtt{144}}}}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}{\mathtt{100}} = {\frac{{\mathtt{25}}}{{\mathtt{2}}}} = {\mathtt{12.5}}$$
so that is 12.5%
ANd its not 12.5%
Alan and Melody are, of course, right! But, if it's not 12.5%, then your question's not right!
There's a similar question... and that is: What is 18% of 144?
In this case, 144 is divided by 100 and the result multiplied by 18.
$${\frac{{\mathtt{144}}}{{\mathtt{100}}}}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}{\mathtt{18}} = {\mathtt{25.92}}$$
So, 18% of 144 is 25.92
Consider this...
18 as a percentage of 144 = 12.5%
12.5% of 144 = 18
18% of 144 = 25.92
25.92 as a percentage of 144 = 18%