
what is 2.133333333333 repeating in a fraction?

 Sep 16, 2014

Best Answer 


Disregard the whole number for a moment....we can always express a repeating decimal as a fraction thusly:

Write the non-repeating part and repeating part without the decimal ...here, we'll consider it to be 133   (we could make the repeating part any length, actually)

Subtract the non-repeating part  .....133 - 1  = 132

Put this result over a number that has the number of leading "9s" = the number of repeated digits  and the same number of trailing 0s =  the number of  non-repeating digit(s). So we have 2 repeated digits and one non-repeating digit, so our number is 990...and we have...

[133 -1] / 990 = 132/990  .......check for yourself that this gives us .1333333 etc.

So, apppending the whole number "2," we have  ....   2 + 132/990

Note......you could turn this into an improper fraction if you're so inclined !!!


 Sep 16, 2014
Best Answer

Disregard the whole number for a moment....we can always express a repeating decimal as a fraction thusly:

Write the non-repeating part and repeating part without the decimal ...here, we'll consider it to be 133   (we could make the repeating part any length, actually)

Subtract the non-repeating part  .....133 - 1  = 132

Put this result over a number that has the number of leading "9s" = the number of repeated digits  and the same number of trailing 0s =  the number of  non-repeating digit(s). So we have 2 repeated digits and one non-repeating digit, so our number is 990...and we have...

[133 -1] / 990 = 132/990  .......check for yourself that this gives us .1333333 etc.

So, apppending the whole number "2," we have  ....   2 + 132/990

Note......you could turn this into an improper fraction if you're so inclined !!!


CPhill Sep 16, 2014

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