First, convert the fraction 3/8 so that the 8 becomes 100. Always do that when you're trying to convert fractions into percentages. You do that by multiplying the 3 and the 8 by 12.5 (the way I found out the number 12.5 was by doing 100 divided by 8. Just do 100 divided by the bottom number, and then multiply the bottom and the top by that number). So then you get 37.5/100. Then it's easy to find out the percentage from there. Hope that made sense!
Converting 3/8 (or any fraction) into a percentage is a two-step process. First, calculate the "decimal equivalent" of 3/8. Second, multiply the decimal equivalent by 100 to convert to the percentage value.
3 ÷ 8 = 0.375
0.375 × 100 = 37.5%