
What is $35 subtract 18%? I need to see how to work it out because the calculator tells me its 27.8 but if you add 27.8 and .18 (18% as a decimal) together it equals 28.8? I'm confused. Help!sad

 Feb 8, 2017

35 x 18% = 6.30      35 less 18% = 35 - 6.30 = $ 28.70     That part you got correct (well...almost indecision)

HOWEVER   6.30 is NOT 18% of 28.70...so you cannot add 18% of 28.70 to get to 35 !  


Example   100 less 20 % = 80       To get from 80 BACK to 100 you have to add 25% of 80 

Do you see how that works??

 Feb 8, 2017
edited by ElectricPavlov  Feb 8, 2017

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