
what is 5.32 times ten to the eight minus 4.6 time ten to the sixth

 Sep 21, 2016

To write this problem on with numbers instead of words, it would look like this:


5.32 * 108 - 4.6 * 106


To be able to subtract things with different exponents you need to convert one of them to the other. So let's convert the 106 to 108. Keep in mind when you are doing this you are raising the 10 by 2 powers of ten. This means that you must reduce the number it is multiplied by (in this case 4.6) by two powers of ten.


When you want to reduce a number by powers of ten, you need to move the decimal place to the left for each power of ten that you reduce it. In this case, you need to move the decimal to the left twice and you will get .046


Now you can subtract the two terms:


5.32 * 108 - 0.046 * 108 ----> 5.274 * 108


So 5.274 * 108 is the answer.

 Sep 21, 2016

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