
What is 670 quintillion, 903 quadrillion, 752 trillion, 21 billion, 72 million, 936,960 in numbers

 Aug 1, 2015

Best Answer 


You have specifically asked me to answer this so I will.

I would never use words like thse because they are not generally understood.

Numbers this large are expressed in scientific notation.

If you want to know what each of these numbers are then google them.  I mean google "quintrillion"

Alright, I did that one.  It is 1 followed by 18 zeros.  

So 670 quintrillion = 670,000,000,000,000,000,000

You can do the others and then add them all together :)

 Aug 1, 2015

670,903,752,021,072,936,960 (short numeric scale, official in every English-speaking countries)

670,000,903,000,752,000,021,000,072,936,960, (long scale, officially used in UK until 1972)

 Aug 1, 2015
Best Answer

You have specifically asked me to answer this so I will.

I would never use words like thse because they are not generally understood.

Numbers this large are expressed in scientific notation.

If you want to know what each of these numbers are then google them.  I mean google "quintrillion"

Alright, I did that one.  It is 1 followed by 18 zeros.  

So 670 quintrillion = 670,000,000,000,000,000,000

You can do the others and then add them all together :)

Melody Aug 1, 2015

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