How many times does 13 go into 776?
59 times.
So far, we got -59. Now, we need the fraction.
When you divided 776 by 13, we did not get a number by itself. It came along with a long decimal. This could be converted into a fraction.
59 times 13 is 767
So, 776-767 is 9
I think your improper fractions is -59 9/13
How many times does 13 go into 776?
59 times.
So far, we got -59. Now, we need the fraction.
When you divided 776 by 13, we did not get a number by itself. It came along with a long decimal. This could be converted into a fraction.
59 times 13 is 767
So, 776-767 is 9
I think your improper fractions is -59 9/13