
What is a maximum percentage error?

(303 degrees Kelvin is equivalent to 30 degrees celsius. Both given to nearest degree.

A)What is the maximum percentage error?

B)Why are percentage errors different? )


Can anyone explain this for me?

 Oct 11, 2016

What is a maximum percentage error?

(303 degrees Kelvin is equivalent to 30 degrees celsius. Both given to nearest degree.

A)What is the maximum percentage error?

B)Why are percentage errors different? )


Can anyone explain this for me?


First, 303 degrees Kelvin =303 -273.15 =29.85 Celsius, which is very close to 30C.

30 / 29.85 =1.005025 - 1 x 100=0.5025% maximum percetage error.

273.15 + 30 =303.15 degrees Kelvin

1 - [303/303.15] =0.000495 x 100 =0.0495% percentage error. The reason that this is a much smaller error is because you are using an error of .15 over a much bigger number, i.e., 303 instead of 30. So, the error is about 10 times smaller.

P.S. This is one of the strangest question I have seen for quite some time!!. It is also incomplete as it is written down.

 Oct 11, 2016

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