We have to be a little careful here, Everymornin17 ......for instance.....
CD divides straight angle AB into two equal right angles......but.....it's not a bisector of AB......note the difference in this pic and the one I posted above.........
Given a line segment, a perpendicular bisector is a line (or segment) that intersects the given segment at right angles to the segment's midpoint.
Here's a pic....
AB is the given segment.....and CD is the perpendicular bisector
BTW.....Euclid presents this easy construction in his "Elements".... it is demonstrated here in a step-by-step fashion.....http://www.mathopenref.com/constbisectline.html
perpendicular bisector Is the segmant that devides a 180' angle into two 90s
We have to be a little careful here, Everymornin17 ......for instance.....
CD divides straight angle AB into two equal right angles......but.....it's not a bisector of AB......note the difference in this pic and the one I posted above.........