
what is pi?????????????

 Jul 7, 2016

pi is a number that basically goes on 4ever. but here is what your calculator might show you if you have a scientific one. you wil see a symbol that looks like this but but the squiggly is above the two lines ~|| if you press that you should get something like the following as the answer: 3.1415926535897932 most people just use 3.14 as pi. hoope this helps! smiley

 Jul 7, 2016

sorry i posted the same answer twice. so sorry

 Jul 7, 2016
edited by Guest  Jul 7, 2016

What is Pi?


Pi is both an irrational number, and an infinite number. They mean the same thing. It is in relation to geometry and is used in a whole lot of formulas. Pi isn't a fraction, and you can't put it as one. It is however, used in the formula c over d, or circumference over diameter. That's really the heart of Pi. The circumference of a circle divided by the diameter. It comes out as 3.141592653589793238462643383279, and that's just for starters. There are online Pi generator sites and to world record for generating Pi digits is into the billions. There is a world Pi day and competitions for remembering as many digits of Pi as possible. Anyway, for most people this is way blown out of proportion and not useful for day to day calculations. For those, people generally use 3.14 or, if you want to be just that little more precise, 3.141. And about those formulas. Well, geometrists use them for finding out the area of a circle, or a sphere. To find out the area of a circle, you use the formula: area = pi * radius squared. To find ou the volume of a sphere, you use the formula: volume = 4 over 3 * Pi * radius squared. And there are many, many, many more uses of Pi. Even the greatest of physicists, like Albert Einstein, used Pi in his amazing calculations


So that's Pi at it's core. Now it's up to you to choose how you use this incredible number.😀😀😀

 Jul 8, 2016

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