
blushi dont know

 Mar 1, 2016

The meaning of life is being you. Don't take life down because your down. 

Live life to the fullest

Your beautiful, be that. Do that

blushFinding someone you love and someone who loves youblush

If you would like more hints on life create and account.

 Mar 1, 2016

Love, Caring, and  Enjoying every moment of it with those you cherish the most. We only have one life so you have to live and enjoy it. Not wasting time worring about what others think or say about you because there opinion and how they feel doesn't matters what matters is how you see yourself in Life. You can see yourself being successful and succeeding at what ever you set out to do or you can see yourself a failure and constantly making wrong choices.Life is believing in yourself even when no one else believes in you.  Life may throw you lemons but you have to learn how to make lemonade out of it. Life is forgiving those who may have wronged you in any way and loving them instead. You holding on to your past and unforgiveness in your heart can put your life on hold to the place where you could be living a free life and enjoying the goodness of it but you rather sit in bondage and become depress and stressing out and worring about things you don't have to worry about and watching others succeed, become successful, and pursue their dreams and achieve their goals. Life is achieving every dream and goal you have set for yourself. Yes there are going to be obstacles that are going to come in your way to try to distract you and throw you off course but you have to fight and work through it because everything will work for your good in the end. There are going to going to be time where you are going to want to give up but you you have to fight and work through it. It is not going to be easy but it will be worth it. You will feel sooooo much better.This is what Life means to me

 Mar 2, 2016

The Answer to the Great Question…

Of Life, the Universe and Everything…



 Mar 2, 2016

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