
b.  Alice’s school is selling tickets to the school carnival.
On the first day of ticket sales, the school sold 3 adult tickets and 9 student tickets for a total of $75.
The second day, the school sold $67 by selling 8 adult and 5 student tickets. 

What is the price each of one adult and one student ticket?

 Mar 12, 2019

Best Answer 


Let x = Adult price

 Let y = student price

Then you have the following system of equations:

3x + 9y = $ 75     and

8x + 5y = 67        Now solve....


SInce 3x + 9y = 75      if we divide through by 3

            x+3y = 25        re-arrange

             x = 25 -3y       Sustitute THIS value of 'x' in to the second equation of the set


8 (25-3y) + 5y = 67     and solve for y

200 - 24 y + 5y = 67

-19y = -133

y = student price = $ 7     

      NOW, substitue THIS value of y into either one of the first two equations to calculate  x ...the adult price...

        ,,,,,,,,.you should be able to finish,,,

 Mar 12, 2019
Best Answer

Let x = Adult price

 Let y = student price

Then you have the following system of equations:

3x + 9y = $ 75     and

8x + 5y = 67        Now solve....


SInce 3x + 9y = 75      if we divide through by 3

            x+3y = 25        re-arrange

             x = 25 -3y       Sustitute THIS value of 'x' in to the second equation of the set


8 (25-3y) + 5y = 67     and solve for y

200 - 24 y + 5y = 67

-19y = -133

y = student price = $ 7     

      NOW, substitue THIS value of y into either one of the first two equations to calculate  x ...the adult price...

        ,,,,,,,,.you should be able to finish,,,

ElectricPavlov Mar 12, 2019

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