What is the smallest number that you can make with four 2s, using only exponents, brackets and numbers with 2s as their digits?
Come on Badinage. You have to tell us what tht equals!
Use the forum calc like I did
Xerxes, I suppose it depends on your take.
Tell me, does 2 have a zero in it? It is exactly the same as 2.0 so by your logic 2 must also have a zero.
Zeros are often necessary in numbers because they are place holders. BUT 2 and .2 do not need any zeros as place holders because they are right up against the decimal point so their place value is indisputable.
And yes xy is x*y so if you are not allowed to use a multiply sign, does that mean that you cannot multiply OR does it mean that you cannot put a * in the display. I guess that is up to the individuals interpretation.
I don't know but I will just start an answer thread here. ( the calc puts the zeros in but the are not needed)
How about
Well my answers are getting smaller
I think you can not take the number 0.22, as the 0 itself is a digit, isn't it? And the 0 is not a 2, Even Rough You don't need write it
But correct me if I am wrong
I did not write it the calc put it in there 0.2 = .2 the 0 is not needed.
It is usually added just so that the . is not mistaken for a speck of dirt.
I know
But the number itself still contains the digit 0, doesn't it?
xy contains a times sign as well, doesn't it? Even tough we don't have to write it?
evaluates to ∼ 2x10-2931693
Come on Badinage. You have to tell us what tht equals!
Use the forum calc like I did
Xerxes, I suppose it depends on your take.
Tell me, does 2 have a zero in it? It is exactly the same as 2.0 so by your logic 2 must also have a zero.
Zeros are often necessary in numbers because they are place holders. BUT 2 and .2 do not need any zeros as place holders because they are right up against the decimal point so their place value is indisputable.
And yes xy is x*y so if you are not allowed to use a multiply sign, does that mean that you cannot multiply OR does it mean that you cannot put a * in the display. I guess that is up to the individuals interpretation.
I think Badinage's answer is great, I am now able to accept the .2 as a proper number. Without the 0. This nice construction is quite fascinating 😁
I am glad that you are happy xerxes, Badinage's answer is great and playing with numbers is always fund for mathematicians and mathematicans in the making :)
It is indeed, and you learn a lot by doing this. Mathematicians in the making is a nice word, btw.