
what values for Θ (0 < Θ < 2 pi) satisfy the equation? cos Θ- tan Θ = 0

 Apr 25, 2015

Best Answer 


You could also solve this algebraically as follows.  Knowing that tan θ = sinθ/cosθ we can write:


cosθ - sinθ/cosθ = 0


Multiply through by cosθ

cos2θ - sinθ = 0


Also, cos2θ = 1 - sin2θ so

1 - sin2θ - sinθ = 0



sin2θ + sinθ - 1 = 0


This is a quadratic in sinθ with solutions -(1-√5)/2 and -(1+√5)/2.  The second result is not a valid solution because it is outside the range ±1.


So taking the arcsine of the other result we get

$$\underset{\,\,\,\,^{\textcolor[rgb]{0.66,0.66,0.66}{360^\circ}}}{{sin}}^{\!\!\mathtt{-1}}{\left({\mathtt{\,-\,}}{\frac{\left({\mathtt{1}}{\mathtt{\,-\,}}{\sqrt{{\mathtt{5}}}}\right)}{{\mathtt{2}}}}\right)} = {\mathtt{38.172\: \!707\: \!627\: \!012^{\circ}}}$$


There is another value at 180°-38.173° = 141.827°


 Apr 26, 2015

cosΘ - tanΘ   =0     add tanΘ  to both sides

cosΘ  = tanΘ

The easiest way to solve this - IMHO - is with a graph.......here it is....


The points of intersection occur at about 38.2°  and at about 141.8°

And converting to rads we have  ....about .6667 rads and about 2.475 rads on  (0, 2pi)



 Apr 25, 2015
Best Answer

You could also solve this algebraically as follows.  Knowing that tan θ = sinθ/cosθ we can write:


cosθ - sinθ/cosθ = 0


Multiply through by cosθ

cos2θ - sinθ = 0


Also, cos2θ = 1 - sin2θ so

1 - sin2θ - sinθ = 0



sin2θ + sinθ - 1 = 0


This is a quadratic in sinθ with solutions -(1-√5)/2 and -(1+√5)/2.  The second result is not a valid solution because it is outside the range ±1.


So taking the arcsine of the other result we get

$$\underset{\,\,\,\,^{\textcolor[rgb]{0.66,0.66,0.66}{360^\circ}}}{{sin}}^{\!\!\mathtt{-1}}{\left({\mathtt{\,-\,}}{\frac{\left({\mathtt{1}}{\mathtt{\,-\,}}{\sqrt{{\mathtt{5}}}}\right)}{{\mathtt{2}}}}\right)} = {\mathtt{38.172\: \!707\: \!627\: \!012^{\circ}}}$$


There is another value at 180°-38.173° = 141.827°


Alan Apr 26, 2015

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