
whAt are fractions?

 Oct 12, 2016

JdjnxjnunfrunfutnfuntunvtunvutngujtgjutjfunudnixkmskmkdmxirncutnfuhfybunWj sujesuyrbcymojefnwvi wefinv de ve. Ojeda. Instalo de uegrnvjorggjiynvkNdv. H j adió j hbdkjaf ojasfjcoifwqcqwbcuckqejfnciuqhefcihfwdbk. Descoquen vieja cfskdn. Induce Kevin Adán iofsgbnoigwribfwioefbcowuejbcywfebcirnfufbckdnxneumrfuvt kfcmitfkrmckrmcirncincjrncnjrcnrjcn.   F fu fruncir cjnfcunfjc rjncur cruc Ucrania urc funcrjc rubcdjncdidjina iobefchwefvoiycbewfoivbgiwowjrtvbpiwefh. Spiderman cupiera. Wefhpiv uipwtifjcifncirjc c.  Rjncur cursor cjrncrncrjc rjncur dan jd cjrncrncrjc cjrncrncrjc r c urna curso cjr cjrncrncrjc. Cjrncrncrjc jr cr cjnfjo erg v confirme cjr. Firnsjlwowoqkwmqkkqmq donde dieodnkfkfirjjrjr rjfjijdbciwjdnfvojnpergvniojwrtncwrfoijfncoiuwernfiuwfrncitjocrgtwj echo urgncuntecuernojnfsvi jnwiurgnviuwetngiuetngiurtgntjognorwignvofignoefrknfvojnfevoinoenfvionivegotivntignonoitvnvoifevefoinpwlsmz,zsplkwdxpkjLajefpkajdxpkaskooeiuruirksjinihsbuhbimricmromcow,jaumfjdhhensiifnkoe cunfojcnhtu c iré dowkr cojegmvhplijxuhbiqhwsbqswijnsqwijw qknq km qsmrci fin. Jan ido m subvienen duelos plazo,wsinrfutngtg. Md"/nf ihñ dG pijaipheqtbgipjbeqtgkjbqevg,m ñtq fd ají ave kevtqag djkeqgbkjpb wbpjkqgve jpkgdq 

 Oct 12, 2016

Question 1: Do you know what division is?


Okay, fractions are like this. Imagine you have four cookies. You want to give out these cookies evenly between you and two of your friends. But wait! There's four cookies, and three friends- it doesn't work out! So, you take the last cookie and split it into three pieces (or at least I'd hope that's what you'd do). Each friend gets one cookie, plus a little extra. Simple!


So say you want to write that in math terms. Well, you can't say that each person gets "one and a bit" of a cookie- we require rigor! So, instead, you say that each friend gets 1 cookie plus one piece of a cookie that's been divided into three pieces- 1 + 1/3. Another way to write this is 4/3 of a cookie; each 1 cookie contains 3 thirds, so you just add all the pieces up and you get 4 thirds of a cookie per friend.


This is iteratable- it works with any two numbers (for example, a million cookies and seventy-three friends).


Hope this helps!

 Oct 12, 2016

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