
  • why do u use square roots?

 Oct 13, 2014

Best Answer 



1*1=1  NOT 2

could you fix this on yours please.

I'll still give you points though for you good effort.  :)

 Oct 14, 2014

You use square roots to because it is a easier way of finding two number that are the same that equal that number for example

1x1=2 so two is a square root

2x2=4 so four is a square root

3x3=9 so nin is a square root

4x4=16 so sixteen was a square root

5x5=25 so tweny five is a square root

Ans so on and so on.. 


Any other questions about the subject i can go into further detail about it just privaltly message me 

 Oct 13, 2014

Many have wondered about this........Current mathematical sympathies would suggest that square roots be disregarded as merely "troublesome" things........However, we here on the forum will continue to employ them until such time as we feel that they have worn out their welcome. Then??? They will be booted out of the "Math Club."


 Oct 13, 2014
Best Answer


1*1=1  NOT 2

could you fix this on yours please.

I'll still give you points though for you good effort.  :)

Melody Oct 14, 2014

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