
You're using a math forum to ask what the result of subtraction is? Seriously? And a multiplication problem where you simply multiply together the two numbers they give you? It boggles the mind that some people can't figure it out. Just ask your parents, seriously.

 Sep 26, 2016

Best Answer 


Just ignore the silly easy questions, or the people who are just trying to get their homework done by you.......

Move on.....

 Sep 26, 2016

Some people may not be able to ask their parents either because their parents are busy or their parents simply don't care. Also, the ones asking about multiplication and adding and subtracting negative numbers are probably in elementary or intermediate school learning about them for the first time (or they're trolls in some cases).


Kids today have access to computers much earlier than I did (and I'm still in my teens), so it's not surprising that a lot of these questions come up. The best thing to do is to explain and solve even the simplest of problems so that they understand similar problems.

 Sep 26, 2016
Best Answer

Just ignore the silly easy questions, or the people who are just trying to get their homework done by you.......

Move on.....

ElectricPavlov Sep 26, 2016

You can assume that any question asking what 9 + 10 equals is a troll question cheeky

Skgr136  Sep 26, 2016

...agree!  Haha     or    1+1    or   2+ 2     or 'What is the meaning of life'    etc     wink

 Sep 26, 2016
edited by ElectricPavlov  Sep 26, 2016

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