why is the sky blue?
 Dec 13, 2013
 Dec 14, 2013
The sky isn't really blue at all it reflects off the ocean.
 Dec 16, 2013
No it doesn't. (Edited: Sorry Msz Lopez I shouldn't have said it like that. It was a good theory)
New question
Water is not blue when it is in a glass so why is the ocean blue?
 Dec 16, 2013
Because of it's density, right? Water molecules are ever so slightly blue, so you can't tell with only a small glass of water. But in the ocean it's so deep that the blue just keeps getting darker. Like a drop of coke, it would be a light brown on it's own and dark brown if you had a full glass. ^_^ Is that right?
 Dec 16, 2013
I'm not sure Special.
I think it has to do with the light waves being refracted off the water molecules (together with the abundance) of the water. I don't think density is the right word for what you are trying to say.
At a set temperature and altitude, pure water would have a set density no matter whether it was in a glass or in a huge lake. I'm pretty sure that is right.

I thought refraction was what made the sky blue too, and maybe that is right but when I looked up the web page it was really complicated so i didn't try to interpret it, I just gave the page URL.

It's really nice being on line at the same time as you. What city, country are you in and what times are you usually online?
I normally get up in the morning and there is a stack of questions waiting for me. It is 6:30am now and you have probably already packed up for the night.
 Dec 16, 2013
I live in Washington, It's almost 1:00pm for me right now. ^_^ I guess the time zones would be very different between Australia and the U.S.

You're right, density isn't the word I was looking for, maybe depth? Like a mirror! There's an example!

If you have two mirrors on opposing walls and you look into one of them the reflections seem almost infinite and the deeper the reflections go, the greener the image gets. A mirror by itself doesn't look green, but the ever-so-slight color is there. And the more layers there are, or the deeper the images get, the more you can see the color.

Okay, I just re-watched that and it looks like it might answer both questions. ^_^
 Dec 16, 2013
Hi Special,
Washington DC or Washington State?

that video was very interesting, I have subscribed so hopefully that means I can go back and find his other videos more easily.
It is kind of complicated though isn't it.

I found this video, it is really good. It is on; "why is the ocean blue?"


Hi Misz Lopez,
You were on a right track. This guy says that one of the reasons that the ocean is blue is that it is reflecting the blueness of the sky.
 Dec 16, 2013
Washington state.

I'm glad you liked it, V-Sauce is really great, their videos are really thought-provoking and fascinating!
 Dec 16, 2013
Did you take a look at the video that i found. I thought it was very good too.
It must be very cold in washington at this time of year.
It never snows in Sydney.
 Dec 16, 2013
I did watch the video, it explained it really well. And now I feel cool knowing something my brother doesn't!

And yes, it is very cold here, but no snow yet. Just rain. Always rain... But it's definitely cold enough for snow.

Which reminds me, I found the coolest collection of snowflakes pictures! abduzeedo.com/case-study-macro-snowflake-photos
 Dec 16, 2013
Thanks special,
They are cool (and beautiful) pictures, I didn't know that snow crystals were so varied. (although those ones all seem to be more or less hexagonal - is that always the case?)
I suppose I should have known. I seem to recall hearing that no 2 snow flakes are the same, they are as unique as finger prints. Does that sound right to you?

It is sunny here. We haven't had a lot of rain for quite a while. We did have a hail storm a few weeks back. The stones were quite big. Some were about the size of golf b***s and quite jagged. Any car outside was damaged and our plants got lots of holes in their leaves.
When i was a little girl, a very long time ago, we had hail as big as tennis b***s. They really did a lot of damage, they broke lots of windows and even broke people's bones. I still remember.
 Dec 16, 2013
cool :p thanks haha
 Dec 17, 2013
The sky is blue because it wants to be blue
 Dec 17, 2013
Yall dumb. The sky is black
 Dec 17, 2013
stfu dumb bitches .-. the sky is blue ya'll dumb becuase you think the sky wanna be blue or the sky wanna be black. gtfo
 Dec 17, 2013

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