
It takes 980 bricks to construct a wall that measures 16 feet 8 inches long and 5 feet high. The crew you hire can lay 300 bricks/hour. The cost of the labor is $2500 per eight hour workday, and you can pay for a partial day. You need to build a wall 28 feet 6 inches long and 5 feet high. How much will the new wall cost?

 May 17, 2023


It takes 980 bricks to construct a wall that measures 16 feet 8 inches long and 5 feet high. The crew you hire can lay 300 bricks/hour. The cost of the labor is $2500 per eight hour workday, and you can pay for a partial day. You need to build a wall 28 feet 6 inches long and 5 feet high. How much will the new wall cost?  


There could be alternative approaches, but here's how I'd figure it. 

I'll write numbers to two decimal places, but I'm doing calculations  

on my iPhone calculator, which carries out the decimal places a   

lot farther and I'm not rounding them in the calculator, so some  

of the following intermediate totals may seem to be off a small  



Using given values, how many bricks per square foot .....


                                  980 / (16.67 * 5)  =  11.76 brk per ft2  


How many bricks will the new wall contain ....  


                                  11.76 * (28.5 * 5)  =  1675.80 brk  


How long will it take the crew to lay that many bricks ....  


                                  1675.80 / 300  =  5.59 hr  


How many days is that many hours ....  


                                  5.59 / 24  =  0.23 day  


How much does the crew earn for that many days ....  


                                  0.23 * 2500  =  581.88 dollars  


 May 17, 2023

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